Cembal d'amour Musicians

The Mordecai Shehori Collection
(69 CDs)





SCARALTTI: Sonata in B Minor, K.87


CD 99
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Six Sonatas: K.322, K. 27, K87, K.29, K302, K.24

BEETHOVEN: Sonata Op. 2, No. 3 in C Major

BRAHMS: Variations on a Theme by Paganini,
Books 1 & 2

Total playing time: 69:45

Price: $13.50


"...A throwback to an older style of pianism, with interpretive individuality and gleaming tonal richness as defining virtues."
Ultimate Audio

"...A killer disc... Shehori captured his own powerful pianism in faultless sound, with sparkling treble and deep rumbling bass rarely heard on piano discs."
Fi-The Magazine of Music & Sound


CD 100
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

MOZART: Fantasy in D minor, K.397, Andante for the Mechanical Organ in F major, K.616, Adagio in B minor, K.540, Rondo in D major, K.485

BEETHOVEN: Sonata Op. 2, No. 2, in A major

CHOPIN-LISZT: Six Polish Songs

LISZT: Spanish Rhapsody  

Total playing time: 76:26

Price: $13.50

"Shehori is rock solid and deeply musical. This is a big-hearted interpretation, with a beautiful variety of tone colour and a sense of empathy with the composer."
BBC Music Magazine

CHOPIN: Polonaise in F-sharp Minor,
Op. 44

CD 101
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

BACH-SILOTI: Prelude in B minor
HANDEL: Chaconne in G major

BEETHOVEN: Sonata Op. 31, No. 2 in D minor, "The Tempest"

CHOPIN: Barcarolle; Polonaise in F-sharp minor

SCHUBERT-LISZT: Serenade, Atlas, To Be Sung on the Water

LISZT: Saint Francis of Paula Walking on the Water

Total playing time: 77:09

Price: $13.50

"Shehori: Poetry in Music."
The Washington Post

SCHUBERT: Wanderer Fantasie (segment)

CD 102
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

SCHUBERT: Fantasie Op. 15, in C major, "The Wanderer"

FAURE: Nocturne Op.63, No. 6, in D-flat major

LISZT: Sonata in B minor

Total playing time: 62:41

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Pianist

SCARLATTI: Sonata in A minor, K. 532

CD 103
Mordecai Shehori, Piano


K.532, K.481, K.398, K.232, K.184, K.95, K.127, K.128, K.124, K.474, K.98, K.44 K.175, K.173, K.33, K.213, K.259, K.421 K.64, K.517, K.547 

(Different sonatas than the six that are on CD 99)

Total playing time: 77:06

Price: $13.50

"The Scarlatti sonatas he has selected are not among the most often heard and were obviously chosen for contrast in mood and style. Shehori treats them seriously, as a kind of precursor to Chopin-elegiac, expressive, logical, witty, with similar mixture of brilliance and lyricism-and plays them with an emotional depth and intensity that is not apparent in the printed notes. His articulation is crisp (he tosses off repeated notes, trills, and arpeggios with impressive ease), his phrasing is subtle and effective."
American Record Guide
Mordecai Shehori, Pianist

RAMEAU: Tambourin

CD 104
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Jean-Philippe Rameau

Allemande in A minor; Allemande in E minor; La Dauphine; La Livri; LesTourbillons; La Triomphante 
Gavotte Variée; L’Enharmonique 
La Joyeuse; Tambourin; Les Soupirs; L’Egyptienne; Les Tendres Plaintes; La Poule; Le Lardon; Les Cyclopes L’Entretien des Muses; Les Sauvages Le Rappel des Oiseaux 

Total playing time: 57:52

Price: $13.50

"Shehori makes the most of their strong contrasts, integrates their elaborate ornamentation nicely into the musical flow, and again his skillful phrasing and rhythmic zest are very engaging.   These performances will infuriate the purists, but they are likely to please anyone who cares about excellent piano playing and lovely music."
American Record Guide

CD 107, Mordecai Shehori, Pianist
BRAHMS: Scherzo from the 
Sonata in F minor, Op. 5


CD 107
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated
New York Recitals, Vol. 1

(Recorded live: 2 April 1977 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art)

BRAHMS: Sonata in F minor,
Op. 5

CHOPIN: Nocturne in F major, op. 15, No. 1. Nocturne in B major, Op. 9, No. 3. Scherzo No. 3 in C-sharp minor, op. 39.

RAVEL: Gaspard de la Nuit

Total playing time: 69:36

Price: $13.50

"What sets Mr. Shehori apart from most virtuosos with their off-the-shelf performances is the poetic inwardness and rapturous intensity of his playing.   
Mr. Shehori has developed a cult following in New York piano circles." Mr. Shehori has developed a cult following in New York piano circles."
The New York Times

Cd 108, Mordecai Shehori, Pianist

J. S. BACH: Musette in D Major

CD 108
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Learning by Example, Vol. 1

47 works by 18 composers of the most loved piano pieces for the young and not-so-young pianist. For more details please double click here for complete list of works.

Total playing time: 73:59

Price: $13.50


"Mordecai Shehori is a musician’s musician — that is, the sort of pianist whom it will profit other pianists to study."
New York Newsday

Mordecai Shehori Plays Liszt

LISZT: Cantique d’amour

LISZT: Gretchen am Spinnrade

LISZT: Mephisto Waltz No. 1


CD 116
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Love and the Devil
Mordecai Shehori Plays Liszt,
Vol. 1

Cantique d’amour
Scherzo and March
Gretchen (Second movement from Faust Symphony) 
Gretchen am Spinnrade (After Schubert) 
Ständchen von Shakespeare (After Schubert) 
Réminiscences de Don Juan (After Mozart) 
Mephisto Waltz No. 1

Total playing time: 73:29

Price: $13.50

"Mordecai Shehori is a marvelous pianist in almost every conceivable category.  Indeed, if elegance had a middle name, it would be Shehori.  At last here is a pianist who not only understand the power of gentleness but puts it to work at every opportunity.  Though it goes without saying that his technique is impeccable, something more is afoot when he plays, as he found a way to harness the storm before the storm."
John Bell Young
American Record Guide

CD 119, Mordecai Shehori, Piano

MUZIO CLEMENTI: Spiritoso from Sonatina Op. 36, No. 3 in C major

GEORG ANTON BENDA: Sonatina in a Minor

FRIDRICH KUHLAU: Allegretto grazioso from Sonatina Op. 55, No. 3 in C major

DMITRI KABALEVSKY: Presto from Sonatina Op. 13, No. 1 in A minor

CD 119
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Learning by Example, Vol. 2

14 Sonatinas by: Clementi, Benda, Mozart, Beethoven, Spindler, Dussek, Kuhlau, Diabelli, and Kabalevsky. Please double click here for complete list of works.

Total playing time: 77:00

Price: $13.50


CD 128, Mordecai Shehori, Pianist

BEETHOVEN: Sonata Op. 111 in C minor. Arietta (segment)

RACHMANINOFF: Musical Moment, in E minor, Op. 16, No. 4

KABALEVSKY: Sonata No. 3 in F Major. 3rd Movement, Giocoso (segment)

LISZT: Dante Sonata (segment)

CD 128
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 2

BEETHOVEN: Sonata No. 32, Op. 111 in C minor

RACHMANINOFF: Six Moments Musicaux, Op. 16 

KABALEVSKY: Sonata No. 3, Op. 46 in F Major 

LISZT: Après une lecture du Dante-Fantasia quasi Sonata

Total playing time: 78:55

Price: $13.50



CD 131, Mordecai Shehori, Pianist

COUPERIN: The Cuckoos

BURGMULLER: The Farewell

MACDOWELL: To a Wild Rose

CD 131
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Learning by Example Series,
Vol. 3

Please double click here for the complete list of works.

Total playing time: 79:36

Price: $13.50


CD 133, Mordecai Shehori, Piano

J.S. BACH: Largo from the Harpsichord Concerto in F minor, (BWV 1056)  Arranged for piano solo by Mordecai Shehori

CHOPIN: Scherzo No. 1 in B minor, Op. 20

CD 133
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Volume 3

1. Largo from the Harpsichord Concerto in F minor, (BWV 1056)
Arranged for piano solo by Mordecai Shehori
Sonata in F Major, Op. 54
2. Tempo d’un Menuetto
3. Allegretto
4. Berceuse in D-flat Major, Op. 57
5. Polonaise in E-flat minor, Op. 40, No. 1
6. Scherzo No. 1 in B minor, Op. 20
7. Gretchen am Spinnrade
8. Erlkönig
9. Soirées de Vienne-Valse Caprice No. 6
10. Consolation No. 3 in D-flat Major
11. Mephisto Waltz No. 1, After Lenau’s Faust
12. Carnaval de Vienne-Humoresque after themes by J. Strauss

Total playing time: 76:21

Price: $13.50

"The third volume of Mordecai Shehori’s ongoing New York recital series is now with us. The recitals range from 1979 to 1987. Most were recorded at the usual venue, the Merkin Concert Hall, but three things were taped at the 92nd Street Y. Shehori’s Chopin is usually special. His B minor Scherzo is full of fancy and colour, long on contrasts, full of delicacy and gravity and palpable depth of feeling. There’s no artifice in this reading and there are no extraneous gestures and rhetorical effects; it’s entirely musical, musicianship devoted entirely to the service of the text, none of which excludes a most terrific and brilliant conclusion. The vein of rich poetry, of which Shehori is a master, can be felt in his Berceuse in D flat major. Once again he ensures that architectural concerns are uppermost, and that the music flows within the parameters he has established. It’s a reading of the utmost beauty of tone. There is a sequence of Schubert-Liszt transcriptions. Some of these have been associated on disc, at various times, with titans such as Petri and Horowitz amongst many others. Gretchen am Spinrade was certainly a Petri specialty and he played it with a strong series of dynamics and an almost vertical sense in terms of voicing. Shehori is richer and warmer, more chordally resonant, and spins out the song with enveloping sensitivity. Erlkönig finds Shehori on superb form – virtuosic and atmospheric. Soirées de Vienne is another piece that Petri recorded – but then so did Horowitz, Rosenthal and de Greef (in a truncated version). Shehori plays quite pungently here – and this is the one occasion where I think the recording level is against him; it imparts a touch of hardness to his tone that one doesn't’t notice in his other performances. Of course there are the more refined and delicate moments where one can appreciate his tone in a more natural way though no one has quite matched Rosenthal’s grandeur and capricious rubati here. Shehori’s own Bach arrangement from the familiar Keyboard Concerto is solemn, slow with a chorale texture – and with great gravity implicit in those bass extensions. The brace of Liszt pieces contains an excellent Consolation No.3. Shehori plays it at a Horowitz tempo but doesn't of course seek to replicate Horowitz’s very personal rubatos. The Mephisto Waltz No.1 is a cracking display of virtuosity, control and eloquence and it leads onto the disc’s finale, Rosenthal’s Carnaval de Vienne, a Straussian confection which Shehori plays with remarkable virtuosity and admirable command – though maybe the composer teased out a greater sense of playfulness in his more technically fallible 1935 recording. Once again the Shehori recitals prove a seedbed of poetry and digital control. He balances both these facets with accustomed eloquence, allowing the music to speak with naturalness, shorn of interventions, crudities and gaucherie. If you’re lucky enough to see him advertised in concert, don’t miss the chance to hear Shehori, one of the unsung giants of our time.
Jonathan Woolf

Mordecai Shehori Plays Schumann & Liszt

LISZT: Harmonies du soir


CD 135
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Shehori Plays Schumann & Liszt

1. Arabesque in C Major, Op. 18
2. Harmonies du soir
(Transcendental Etude No. 11)
3. Liebeslied (Widmung)
4-7 Sonata in G minor, Op. 22
8. Saint Francis of Assisi Sermon of the Birds
9. Ballade No. 2

Total playing time: 68:37

Price: $13.50

Cd 139, Mordecai Shehori, Piano

HAYDN: Arietta and 12 Variations in A Major, (segment)

SCHUBERT: Sonata in A minor, Op. posth. 143. Third movement Allegro vivace

Rachmaninoff:  Etude-Tableau in E-flat minor, Op. 39, No. 5


CD 139
Mordecai Shehori, Pianist

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 4

1. HAYDN: Arietta and 12 Variations* in A Major
(Hob.XVll:2, Mindru Katz’s arrangement*)

SCHUBERT: Sonata in A Minor, Op. posth. 143
2. Allegro giusto
3. Andante
4. Allegro vivace

5. Mélodie in E Major, Op. 3, No. 3
6. Barcarolle in G Minor, Op. 10, No. 3
7. Etude-Tableau in E-flat Minor, Op. 39, No. 5
8. Valse in A Major, Op. 10, No. 2
9. Humoresque in G Major, Op. 10, No. 5
10. Prelude in E-flat Major, Op. 23, No. 6
11. Polichinelle in F-sharp Minor, Op. 3, No. 4

12. LISZT: Tarantella (from Venezia e Napoli)

13. Shehori announces Mozart’s birthday
and the following encore

14. MOZART: The Bread and Butter Valse

Total playing time: 65:58

Price: $13.50


Cd 141, Shehori Plays Mozart

MOZART: Rondo in A Minor, KV 511

MOZART: Allegretto from Sonata in B-flat Major, KV 570

CD 141
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Shehori Plays Mozart

1. Fantasie in C Minor, KV 396
(Completed by Maximilian Stadler after the fragments of the Sonatensatzes for Violin and Piano)

2. Rondo in A Minor, KV 511 

3. Fantasie in C Minor, KV 475 

4-6. Sonata in B-flat Major, KV 570

7-9. Sonata in C Minor, KV 457

Total playing time: 69:22

Price: $13.50



Cembal d'amour CD 143, Shehori Plays Russian Music


BALAKIREV: Islamey (segment)

PROKOFIEV: Precipitato from the Seventh Sonata


CD 143
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Mordecai Shehori Plays Russian Music

PROKOFIEV: Seventh Sonata, Op. 83



(From the Seasons, Op. 37)

Romance in F Minor, Op. 5

Dumka, Op. 59

A Paraphrase after the Opera
Eugene Onegin

Total playing time: 65:09

Price: $13.50


Shehori Plays Confrey

Kitten on the Keys


Rhythm Venture



CD 147
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Shehori Plays Zez Confrey's
"Kitten on the Keys," "Dizzy Fingers" and 26 additional and delightful piano novelties. Including 10 never-before-recorded compositions.
(Recorded November 2009, Las Vegas)

1.  Kitten on the Keys                       
2.  Meandering                                  
3.  Dizzy Fingers                               
4.  Spring Song (After Mendelssohn)           
5.  Mouse’s Hooves                          
6.  Lullaby from Mars                       
7.  Anticipation                                 
8.  Tune for Mademoiselle                
9.  Tap Dance of the Chimes            
10. My Pet                             
11. Mighty Lackawanna                    
12. Sparkling Water (Valse Brillante)
13. Greenwich Witch             
14. Grandfather’s Clock                    
15. Coaxing the Piano            
16. Movie Ballet                                
17. Charleston Chuckles                    
18. Wistfulness                                  
19. Nickel in the Slot                         
20. You Tell ‘Em, Ivories                  
21. Humorestless (After Dvořák)      
22. Rag Doll Dimples            
23. Valse Mirage                                
24. Blumenlied (Flower Song after Lange)   
25. Rhythm Venture                          
26. Champagne                                  
27. Stumbling                         
28. Parade of the Jumping Beans      

Total playing time: 76:51

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori Plays Bach-Busoni

“Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein”

“Ich ruf’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ” (segment)

Chaconne in D Minor (segment)

Organ Toccata in C Major- Fuga (segment)



CD 149
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Mordecai Shehori Plays Bach-Busoni

Johann Sebastian Bach- Ferruccio Busoni
Ten Chorale-Preludes
After the original organ works by J. S. Bach “transcribed for piano in chamber style” 1907-09. Dedicated to Mr. Jose Vianna da Motta

 1.  “Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist”
(Come, God Creator)(BWV 667,
ca. 1708-17)                                                  
2.  “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme”
(Awake, the Voice commands)       
(BWV 645, from the cantata BWV 140,
ca. 1731)                                  
3.  “Nun komm’ der Heiden Heiland”
(Now comes the gentiles’ Savior)(BWV 659,
ca. 1708-17)                                                  
4.  “Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein” (Rejoice, beloved Christians)
(BWV 734a,
ca. 1708-17)                                                 
5.  “Ich ruf’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ” (I call on Thee, Lord Jesus Christ)
(BWV 639, from Das Orgelbüchlein,
Part III, 1713-17)             
6.  “Herr Gott, nun schleuß den Himmel auf”
(Lord God, now open heaven’s gate)(BWV 617, from Das Orgelbüchlein, Part III, 1713-17)    
7. “Durch Adam Fall ist ganz verderbt”
(All is lost through Adam’s fall)  (First version) (BWV 637, from Das Orgelbüchlein, Part III, 1713-17)
8.  “Durch Adam Fall ist ganz verderbt”
All is lost through Adam’s fall) 
(Second version)(BWV 705)                                     
9.  “In dir ist Freude” (In You is joy)
(BWV 615, from Das Orgelbüchlein, Part III,
10.  “Jesus Christus, unser Heiland” (Jesus Christ, Our Savior) (BWV 665,
ca. 1798-9)                                                    
11.  Chaconne in D Minor (From the second violin partita, BWV 1004)      
Organ Toccata in C Major (BWV 564)
12.  Preludio, quasi improvvisando                               
13.  Intermezzo, adagio- il soprano con intimo e sempre cantando   
14.  Fuga, Moderatamente scherzando, un poco umoristico             

Total Playing Time: 64:46

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Pianist

Sigismond Thalberg
Etude No. 1 in E-flat Major, (segment)

Franz Liszt
Etude in E Major (Morceau de Salon)  (segment)

Edouard Wolff
Etude No. 1 in E-flat Minor (segment)


CD 152
Mordecai Shehori performs the Complete Moschelès and Fétis “Methode des Methodes”  20 Études
de Perfectionnement

(Etudes for attaining perfection/refinement/sophistication)

Ignaz Moschelès
1. Etude No. 1: “L’Enjoument” in A Major      
2. Etude No. 2: “L’Ambition” in G Minor  
Frédéric Chopin
3. Etude No. 1 in F Minor                                 
4. Etude No. 2 in D-flat Major              
5. Etude No. 3 in A-Flat Major                   
Sigismond Thalberg
6. Etude No. 1 in E-flat Major               
7. Etude No. 2 in A Minor                                 
Felix Mendelssohn
8. Etude in F Minor                               
Franz Liszt
9. Etude in E Major (Morceau de Salon)           
Jakob Rosenhain
10. Etude in D Major                               
Theodor Döhler
11. Etude No. 1 in F Major                                  
12. Etude No. 2 in B Minor                                 
Stephen  Heller
13. Etude in E-flat Major (The Hunt)                  
Edouard Wolff
14. Etude No. 1 in E-flat Minor              
15. Etude No. 2 in C-sharp Minor                       
Adolf Henselt
16. Etude in G-flat Major (La Gondola)             
Sir Julius Benedict
17. Etude in A-flat Major            
Amédée Méreaux
18. Etude in C-sharp Minor (Elegia)        
Wilhelm Taubert
19. Etude No. 1 in F-sharp Minor            
20. Etude No. 2 in F-sharp Major            

Total playing time: 62:54
Recorded April 2010, Las Vegas

Price: $13.50



Mordecai Shehori Plays Chopin

Waltz in A-flat Major, (Brown-Index 21)

Waltz in E-flat Major, Op. 18  (segment)

Waltz A-flat Major, Op. 34, No. 1  (segment)


CD 156
Mordecai Shehori Plays Chopin, Vol. 1
19 Waltzes

1.  A-flat Major, (Brown-Index 21) 
2.  D-flat Major, Op. 70, No. 3         
3.  B Minor, Op. posth. 69, No. 2     
4.  E Major, (Brown-Index 44)           
5.  E-flat Major, (Brown-Index 46)  
6.  E Minor, (Brown-Index 56)         
7.  E-flat Major, Op. 18                    
8.  G-flat Major, Opus posth. 70, No. 1        
9.  A-flat Major, Opus posth. 69, No. 1        
10. A Minor, Op. 34, No. 2               
11. A-flat Major, Op. 34, No. 1                     
12. F Major, Op. 34, No. 3                
13. E-flat Major, (Brown-Index 133)            
14. A-flat Major, Op. 42                    
15. F Minor, Opus posth. 70, No. 2   
16. A Minor, (Brown-Index 150)        
17. C-sharp Minor, Op. 64, No. 2      
18. A-flat Major, Op. 64, No. 3         
19. D-flat Major, Op. 64, No. 1                     

Total playing time: 63:58
Recorded 3-14 October, 2010, Las Vegas

Price: $13.50

Shehori Plays Chopin, Vol. 1
“That Chopin intended the Complete Waltzes as a cycle--some beginning with the note that the last ended upon and many sharing the “figuerenlehre“ or rhythmic character of the age--becomes a cause celebre in Shehori’s edition, which will likely assume the status of keyboard landmark in musical retrospect.”
Gary Lemco

Mordecai  Shehori, Piano

CARL MARIA von WEBER: Aufforderung zum Tanze, in D-flat Major,
Op. 65 (segment)

LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN: 32 Variations on an Original Theme in C Minor (segment)

FRANZ LISZT: Spanish Rhapsody  (Folies d’Espagne et Jota aragonesa) (segment)


CD 158
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 5

CARL MARIA von WEBER: Aufforderung zum Tanze, in D-flat Major, Op. 65   (Invitation to the Dance)
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN: 32 Variations on an Original Theme in C Minor     
FRANZ SCHUBERT: Impromptu in E-flat Major, Op. 90, No. 2, Impromptu in G-flat Major, Op. 90, No. 3                 
FRÉDÉRICK CHOPIN: Sonata No. 2 in B-flat Minor, Op. 35 (Funeral March)
ROBERT SCHUMANN-FRANZ LISZT: Frühlingsnacht (Spring Night)                                     
FRANZ LISZT: Spanish Rhapsody  (Folies d’Espagne et Jota aragonesa)

Total playing time: 70:57

Price: $13.50


Shehori Plays Chopin Vol. 2

Ballade No. 1 (segment)

Ballade No. 2 (segment)

Scherzo No. 4 (segment)

Grande Polonaise Brillante (segment)


CD 160
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Shehori Plays Chopin, Vol. 2

1.  Ballade No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 23, BI 66 (1835)           
2.  Ballade No. 2 in F Major, Op. 38, BI 102 (1836-39)   
3.  Ballade No. 3 in A-flat Major, Op. 47, BI 136 (1841)
4.  Ballade No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 52, BI 146 (1842)      
5.  Scherzo No. 4 in E Major, Op. 54, BI 148 (1842)    
6.  Andante Spianato and Grande Polonaise
Brillante, Op. 22, BI 58/88 (1830-39)                       

Total Playing time: 62:49

Price: $13.50

Recordings Information
   The Four Ballades were recorded on 6-9 April, 2011, Las Vegas,
   Scherzo No. 4 was recorded on 7 July, 2003, and the Andante Spianato & Grande Polonaise Brillante were recorded on 6 August, 2002.


Shehori Plays Liszt, VOL 2

Vallée d’Obermann (segment)

Les jeux d’eau á la Villa d’Este (segment)

Petrarca: Sonetto 104  (segment)

“Faust Waltz” after Gounod (segment)



CD 162
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Shehori Plays Liszt, Vol. 2

On Nature’s Beauty and Man’s Torment

1.  Impromptu in F-sharp Major                 

2.  Au Bord d’une Source in A-flat Major
(Mr. Shehori plays the extended ending composed by Liszt in 1863 for his student Giovanni Sgambati)

3.  Vallée d’Obermann                                 
(From Années de pèlerinage, première annèe: Suisse)

 4.  Les jeux d’eau á la Villa d’Este               
(From Années de pèlerinage, troisième annèe: Italie)

5.  Canzone “Nessùn maggior dolore”                   
(after Rossini’s opera ‘Otello’ from Venezia e Napoli)

6.  Funérailles                                                  
(From Harmonies poétiques et religieuses)

Three Petrarca Sonnets from Années de pèlerinage, 
deuxième annèe: Italie
7.  Sonetto 47                                               
8.  Sonetto 104                                             
9.  Sonetto 123                                             

10. “Faust Waltz” after Gounod               

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 76:37 

(Recorded February 2009, Las Vegas)


Mordecai Shehori Plays Beethoven

Rondo in G Major, Op. 51, No. 2 (Segment)

Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13, “Grande Sonata Pathétique” Rondo-Allegro (Segment)

Sonata in C Major, Op. 53, “Waldstein” Rondo, (Segment)

Sonata in F Minor, Op. 57, "Appassionata” Allegro ma non troppo, (Segment)



CD 164
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Shehori Plays Beethoven, Vol. 1

1. Rondo in G Major, Op. 51,
No. 2
  (Recorded 28 June, 1996, New York)                     

2-4. Sonata in C Minor, Op. 13, “Grande Sonata Pathétique” (1798/99)
 (Recorded 5 August, 2002, New York)

5-7. Sonata in C Major, Op. 53, “Waldstein” (1803/04)
 (Recorded 13 February, 2009, Las Vegas)

8-10. Sonata in F Minor, Op. 57, “Appassionata” (1804/05)
 (Recorded 10 September, 2001, New York)

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 74:32


Mordecai Shehori Plays Live Vol. 6

CZERNY: Variations on a Theme by Rode,
Op. 33, in E-flat Major, “La Ricordanza”    (Segment)

BRAHMS: Intermezzo in B Minor, Op 119 (Segment)     

BRAHMS: Rhapsodie in E-flat Major, Op. 119 (Segment)         

  VLADIMIR HOROWITZ: Dance Excentrique

PROKOFIEV: Prelude Op. 12, No. 7,
in C Major (Segment)                     


CD 166
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 6

The Cd contains extremely rare live performances of Vladimir Horowitz’s original compositions including a first ever live performance (1993)  of  his Etude-Caprice “Les Vagues” (The Waves), As well as seldom played works by Czerny and Debussy.

“Shehori gave a large audience the opportunity to hear
some unusually thoughtful and thought-provoking playing.”
The New York Times


1. CZERNY: Variations on a Theme by Rode,
Op. 33, in E-flat Major, “La Ricordanza”   

MENDELSSOHN: 3 Songs without Words
2.  Op. 38, No. 2 in C Minor                         

3.  Op. 53, No. 3 in G Minor                        
4.  Op. 67, No. 2 in F-sharp Minor             

BRAHMS: 4 Piano Works Op. 119
5.  Intermezzo in B Minor                             
6.  Intermezzo in E Minor                              
7.  Intermezzo in C Major                             
8.  Rhapsodie in E-flat Major                       

9.  DEBUSSY: Valse Romantique in F Minor  

3 Works

10. Etude-Caprice “Les Vagues” (The Waves)   
11. Waltz in F Minor                                     
12. Dance Excentrique in C Major                     

13. RAVEL: La Valse (Poéme chorégraphique)

14.  J. S. BACH-SHEHORI: Sicilienne in G Minor (from the Flute Sonata No. 2)       

15.  DAQUIN: Le Coucou       

16.  PROKOFIEV: Prelude Op. 12, No. 7, in C Major                           

17.  CONFREY: Humorestless
(After Dvorák)                     

Recording information:
Tracks:  1, 13, 15, Merkin Concert Hall*
4/20/1983.  Tracks: 2-4, 10, 16, 17, Weill
Recital Hall, 2/6/1993.  Tracks: 5-8, 9, 11, 12,
14, Alice Tully Hall* 6/14/2003.

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 66:05


Cd 168 Shehori Plays Schubert

Impromptu Op. 142, No. 1
in F Minor  (segment)

Impromptu Op. 142, No. 3
in B-flat Major (segment)

Impromptu Op. 142, No. 4
in F Minor (segment)

Sonata in B-flat Major, Op. posth.
First Movement: Molto moderato (segment)           

Sonata in B-flat Major, Op. posth.
Second Movement: Andante Sostenuto (segment)           

Sonata in B-flat Major, Op. posth.
Fourth Movement: Allegro, ma non troppo (segment) 

CD 168
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Shehori Plays Schubert, Vol. 1

FRANZ SCHUBERT (1797-1828)

Four Impromptus Op. posth. 142
Deutsch-Verz. 935 (1827)

1. No. 1 in F Minor                              
2. No. 2 in A-flat Major                             
3. No. 3 in B-flat Major                            
4. No. 4 in F Minor                      
Recorded 2 June, 1997, New York

Sonata in B-flat Major, Op. posth.
Deutsch-Verz. 960 (1828)
5. Molto moderato                                  
6. Andante sostenuto                                
7. Scherzo-Allegro vivace con delicatezza    
8. Allegro, ma non troppo       

Recorded 5 June, 1997, New York

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 75:06


Shehori Plays Chopin Etudes

Etude Op. 10, No 2 in A Minor

Etude Op. 10, No. 3 in A Major

Etude Op. 10, No. 4 in C-sharp Minor

Etude Op. 10, No. 11 in E-flat Major


Etude Op. 25, No. 1 in A-flat Major

Etude Op. 25, No. 6 in G--sharp Minor

Etude Op. 25, No. 11 in A minor (Winter Wind)

CD 170
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Shehori Plays Chopin, Vol. 3

12 Etudes Opus 10 (1829-1832)
12 Etudes Opus 25 (1832-1836)
3 Nouvelles Etudes for the “Méthode des Méthodes” by Moschelès and Fétis (1839)

Recorded 11-14 November 2011 & 11-15 August 2012, Las Vegas.

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 67:52


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

CLEMENTI: Sonata in F-sharp Minor, OP.  26, No. 2, Allegro con espressione (Segment)

TCHAIKOVSKY: “Grande Sonate” in G Major, Op. 37, Andante non troppo quasi moderato (Segment)

TCHAIKOVSKY: “Grande Sonate” in G Major, Op. 37, Finale (Segment)

LISZT: Paraphrase after Tchaikovsky’s
Opera “Eugene Onegin”  (Segment)

BACH-MARCELLO: Adagio  (Segment)

MOSZKOWSKI: Etude in F Major, Op. 72, (Segment)  

CHOPIN: Polonaise in A-flat Major,  Op. 53, “Heroic” (Segment)    

CD 172
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 7

1-3. CLEMENTI: Sonata in F-sharp Minor, OP.  26, No. 2

4-7. TCHAIKOVSKY: “Grande Sonate” in G Major, Op. 37

8. KHATCHATURIAN: Vocalise                               
9. LISZT: Paraphrase after Tchaikovsky’s
Opera “Eugene Onegin”                              

10. BACH-MARCELLO: Adagio                   
(From the Keyboard Concerto in D Minor)

11. MOSZKOWSKI: Etude in F Major, Op. 72         

12. CHOPIN: Mazurka in G Minor, Op. 24, No. 1    

13. CHOPIN: Polonaise in A-flat Major,  Op. 53, “Heroic”     

Price: $13.50

Paying time: 69:02    


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Jean-Baptiste Lully: suite de piècesCourante (Segment)

Claude Debussy: Reflets dans l’eau 
(Reflections in the Water, from Images,
Book. 1) (Segment)

Frédéric Chopin: Bolero in A Minor, Op. 19 (Segment)

Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude-Tableau in A Minor, Op. 39, No. 6 (Segment)

Camille Saint-Saëns/Franz Liszt/Vladimir Horowitz: Danse Macabre (Segment)

CD 173
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Dances and Visions
A colorful collection of works that concludes with the rarely played and fantastic 1942 paraphrase of Saint-Saëns/Liszt Danse Macabre by Vladimir Horowitz

1-5. Jean-Baptiste Lully: suite de pièces

6. Claude Debussy: Reflets dans l’eau 
(Reflections in the Water, from Images, Book. 1)

7. Frédéric Chopin:
Bolero in A Minor, Op. 19

Sergei Rachmaninoff: Six Works:

8. Etude-Tableau in A Minor, Op. 39, No. 6
9. Etude-Tableau in D Minor, Op. 39, No. 8
10. Prelude in G Major, Op. 32, No. 5
11. Prelude in C Minor, Op. 23, No. 7
12. “Daisies” in F Major, Op. 38, No. 3
13. Etude-Tableau in D Major, Op. 39, No. 9

14. Camille Saint-Saëns/Franz Liszt/Vladimir Horowitz: Danse Macabre

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 63:42


Mordecai Shehori Plays Beethoven, Vol. 2

Sonata in E Major, Op. 109, Prestissimo (Segment)

Sonata in E Major, Op. 109, Andante molto cantabile ed espressivo(Segment)

Sonata in E Major, Op. 109, Variations lll & lV

Sonata in E-Flat Major, Op. 81a "Les Adieux, Allegro (Segment)

Sonata in E-Flat Major, Op. 81a "Les Adieux, Das Wiederschen (Segment)

Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 (“Emperor”) Allegro (Segment)

Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 (“Emperor”) Adagio un poco moto (Segment)

Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 (“Emperor”) Rondo, Allegro ma non troppo (Segment)

CD 174
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Mordecai Shehori Plays Beethoven, Vol. 2

Sonata in E Major, Op. 109 (1820)
 (Recorded: 10 January 2014, Las Vegas, USA)

Sonata in E-Flat Major, Op. 81a, “Les Adieux” (1809/10)

 (Recorded: 28 June, 1996, New York, USA)

Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Major, Op. 73 (“Emperor”) (1809)

James Bolle, Conducting the New Hampshire Symphony Orchestra.
(Recorded live: 16 October, 1992, Manchester,
New Hampshire, USA

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 76:27


Mordecai Shehori Plays J.S Bach Vol. 1

Prelude No. 3 in C-Sharp Major, BWV 848 (Segment)

Prelude No. 5 in D Major, BWV 850 (Segment)

Prelude No. 8 in E-Flat Minor, BWV 853 (Segment)

Fugue No. 12 in F Minor, BWV 857 (Segment)


CD 176
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Mordecai Shehori Plays J. S. Bach, Vol. 1

The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1,
Preludes & Fugues 1-12.

Price: $13.50

Playing time: 54:01

"I spent much of the last few days listening to Mordecai Shehori's miraculous recording of Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugues. To say he has has reconciled the functions of the harpsichord in the context of its era with the abilities of the modern piano, while conveying every systole of musical meaning in a manner commensurate with the demands of period style, expressive nuance, and meaning - right down to the antiphonal role played by acoustics in the presentation of Bach's choral music where registration and position of the choruses at various places throughout the church were just as important to musical meaning as the notes and rhythms (so ingeniously codified in the keyboard music) - is an understatement. Shehori music making defines the meaning and importance of micro dynamics to this music as well, to speak nothing of that of the contrapuntal melody. If I were Stalin, I would order a decree compelling everyone on the planet to buy this set - AT ONCE!"

John Bell Young

Mordecai Shehori Plays Bach Vol 2

Prelude in G Minor, BWV 861

Fugue in G Minor, BWV 861

Prelude in B-Flat Major, BWV 866

Prelude in B-Flat Minor, BWV 867

CD 177
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Mordecai Shehori Plays J. S. Bach, Vol. 2

The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1,
Preludes & Fugues 13-24

Total playing time: 55:33

Price: $13.50

"Mordecai Shehori finds a new and vocally inspired Bach in the WTC as edited and amended by Chopin, a true fusion of kindred spirits."
Gary Lemco


Shehori Plays Bach Vol 3

BACH: Prelude No. 2 in C Minor, BWV 871

BACH: Prelude No. 6 in D Minor, BWV 875

BACH: Prelude No. 8 in D-Sharp Minor, BWV 877

BACH: Fugue No. 8 in D-Sharp Minor,
BWV 877

BACH: Fugue No. 12 in F Minor, BWV 881


CD 178
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Mordecai Shehori Plays J. S. Bach, Vol. 3

The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2,
Preludes & Fugues 1-12

Total playing time: 67:41

Price: $13.50


Shehori Plays Bach Vol 4

BACH: Prelude No. 14 in F-Sharp Minor, BWV 883

BACH: Prelude No 15 in G Major, BWV 884

BACH: Prelude No 18 in G-Sharp Minor, BWV 887

BACH: Fugue No 24 in B Minor, BWV 893


CD 179
Mordecai Shehori, Piano
Mordecai Shehori Plays J. S. Bach, Vol. 4

The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 2,
Preludes & Fugues 13-24

Total playing time: 75:41

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori CD 181

Mozart: Sonata in A Minor, KV 310, Allegro maestoso (Segment)

Brahms: 25 Variations and a Fugue on a Theme by Händel, Op. 24, Theme+ Variations 1-4.

Ravel: Sonatine, Anime, (Segment)

Liszt: Sonnet 104, (Segment)

Liszt: Mephisto Waltz No. 1, (Segment)

Moszkowski: Guitar, Op. 45, No. 2, (Segment)

CD 181
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 8
16 June, 2000, Alice Tully Hall

Disc 1

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Sonata in A Minor, KV 310

Johannes Brahms:
25 Variations and a Fugue on a Theme by Händel, Op. 24

Disc 2

Maurice Ravel: Sonatine

Franz Liszt:
3 Petrarch Sonnets
Sonetto 47, “…Blessèd be the first sweet agony I felt when I found myself bound to love...”
Sonetto 104, “…I see with no eyes, shout without a tongue; I yearn to perish, and I beg for help…”
Sonetto 123, “I saw on earth angelic qualities and heavenly beauties unique in the world, so the memory pleases and pains me…”

Franz Liszt:
Mephisto Waltz No. 1 (After the poem “Dance in the Country Tavern” by Nikolaus  Lenau)


Frédéric Chopin: Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 17, No. 4

Moritz Moszkowski:
Guitar, Op. 45, No. 2

Total playing time: CD 1: 48:52, CD 2: 48:44

Price: $13.50



Shehori Plays Fantasies

BEETHOVEN: Fantasy Op. 77 (segment)

SCHUMANN: Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17, 1st Mvt. (segment)

SCHUMANN: Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17, 2nd Mvt. (segment)

SCHUMANN: Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17, 3rd Mvt. (segment)

CHOPIN: Fantasy in F Minor, Op. 49(segment)

CHOPIN: Polonaise-Fantasy in A-Flat Major, Op. 61 (segment)


CD 182
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Shehori Plays Fantasies

BEETHOVEN: Fantasy Op. 77 (1809)

SCHUMANN: Fantasy in C Major, Op. 17 (1835-36)

“Through all the tones of Earth’s many-hued dream, one soft-drawn note may be heard by him who listens in ‘secret’.”
Friedrich Schlegel

CHOPIN: Fantasy in F Minor, Op. 49 (1841)

CHOPIN: Polonaise-Fantasy in A-Flat Major, Op. 61 (1845-46)

Total playing time: 62:41

Price: $13.50


LISZT: Funérailles (Segment)

BEETHOVEN: Fifteen Variations and a Fugue in E-Flat Major, Op. 35, “Eroica” (Segment)

SCHUBERT: Sonata in A Major, D 959 (Opus posth.) Allegro (Segment)

SCHUBERT: Sonata in A Major, D 959 (Opus posth.) Andantino (Segment)

SCHUBERT: Sonata in A Major, D 959 (Opus posth.) Rondo-Allegretto (Segment)

TCHAIKOVSKY:.  Melodie for Violin and Piano in E-Flat Major, Op. 42, No. 3, (Transcription for solo piano by Mordecai Shehori)

MOSZKOWSKI:  Etincelles (Sparks) Op. 36, No. 6 (Segment)

CD 183
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 9
(19 May, 1992, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall)

Disc 1

1.  Impromptu in F-Sharp Major
2.  Au Bord d’une Source in A-Flat Major
  (In säuselnder Kühle, Beginnen die Spiele, Der jungen Natur-Schiller)
3.  Canzone “Nessùn maggior dolore” (After Rossini’s opera ‘Otello’)
4.  Funérailles (From Harmonies poétiques et religieuses)

5-8. Fifteen Variations and a Fugue in E-Flat Major, Op. 35, “Eroica”

Disc 2

1-4. Sonata in A Major, D 959 (Opus posth.)


5.  Melodie for Violin and Piano in E-Flat Major, Op. 42, No. 3
    (Transcription for solo piano by Mordecai Shehori)

6.  Etincelles (Sparks)
Op. 36, No. 6

7.  Mazurka in G Minor, Op. 24, No. 1

Total playing time: Disc 1: 46:05, Disc 2: 48:27

Price: $13.50



Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Johann Ladislas Dussek: Allegro in G Major

Ludwig van Beethoven: “Rage over a Lost Penny” Op. 129

Robert Schumann: The Prophet Bird
(From Forest Scenes, Op. 82)

Edvard Grieg: Papillon
(Butterfly, from Lyric Pieces, Op. 12)

John Field: Nocturne No. 5, in B-Flat Major

Claude Debussy: Arabesque No. 2, in G Major

Dmitri Kabalevsky: Having Fun
(From Op. 27)

CD 184
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Learning by Example Series,
Vol. 4

(Recorded: June 2016, Las Vegas)

22 Works by 17 Composers that Pianists Young and Older Will Love to Study and Play.

Johann Ladislas Dussek: Allegro in G Major

Anton Diabelli:
Bagatelle in C Major

Joseph Haydn:
“Gypsy Rondo” from Piano Trio Op. 39
(Transcription by Mordecai Shehori)

Ludwig van Beethoven:
Gertrude’s Dream Waltz,(Attributed)

Ludwig van Beethoven:
“Rage over a Lost Penny” Op. 129

Robert Schumann:
Träumerei (Dreaming)
(From Scenes from Childhood, Op. 15)

Robert Schumann:
The Prophet Bird
(From Forest Scenes, Op. 82)

Edvard Grieg:
(Butterfly, from Lyric Pieces, Op. 12)

Emil Waldteufel: The Skaters
(Transcription and variants by Mordecai Shehori)

John Field:
Nocturne No. 5, in B-Flat Major

Gabriel Fauré: Romance sans Paroles
(Romance Without Words) Op. 17, No. 2

Jules Massenet:
Melodie, Op. 10, No. 5

Claude Debussy: Clair de Lune (Moonlight)
(From Suite Bergamasque)

Claude Debussy: Arabesque No. 1, in E Major

Claude Debussy: Arabesque No. 2, in G Major

Claude Debussy: Rêverie
(Pleasant Dreamlike Thoughts)

Anton Rubinstein: Romance
in E-Flat Major, Op. 44

Isaac Albéniz: Malagueňa

Enrique Granados:
Spanish Dance, Op. 5, No. 5

Alexander Scriabin: Album Leaf,
Op. 45, No. 1        

Dmitri Kabalevsky: Having Fun
(From Op. 27)

Scott Joplin: The Cascades

Total playing time: 70:33

Price: $13.50

"There are now three volumes (now four) in Mordecai Shehori’s Learning By Example Series perfectly geared to the student or young pianist seeking out works of musical worth. None provides difficulties sufficient to plunge the young player into gloom – though they’re hardly simple to master - and there is an alphabet of technical matters to ensure a sure grounding. Their proportions may be small but the musical rewards are great and so will be the feeling of accomplishment once they’ve been securely mastered. In his introduction “to the Learning Pianist” in volume one Shehori takes us through the various technical aspects of the works he plays and adds sagacious advice about the mood of the piece, its inflection, the feeling it’s meant to evoke. Thus he combines, quite unselfconsciously, both technical and expressive components.
And one could hardly want for a more warm, genial and adept guide. His Purcell Minuet in volume one is tonally verdant, Bach’s Minuet in D minor possesses refined eloquence, and there is great poise in the C major Invention. His Handel Sarabande in D minor is controlled and a young player (or an older one) could spend time listening to his control of dynamics, and equally to the clarity of his articulation in C.P.E. Bach’s Solfeggio in C minor, helped by the rather dry recording. Pliancy of phrasing can be gauged from his Mozart Rondo in C major. He plays Kuhlau’s Sonatina with flexibility and Clementi’s sonata with a certain military profile. By the time we reach Mendelssohn and Schumann we find the chances for characterisation have increased; especially in the case of those pieces derived from the Album for the Young. The two K’s – Kabalevsky and Khachaturian provide more up-to-date pleasures in their little pieces.
The second volume revisits Clementi quite extensively and adds Spindler, Dussek and Diabelli amongst other more obvious names, in an all-Sonatina disc. This is characterful and engaging programme making and played with real command and élan by this master pianist. True, there’s not much bloom in the sound but this is characteristic of the three discs in their entirety; I assure you it won’t impede pleasure and it actually rather suits many of the pieces. Shehori shows the young leaner how to be charming, how to exude gallant wit, how to pursue playfulness. The well scaled chordal punctuation points in the Clementi C major reveal how to scale such matters, how to balance chords, whereas elsewhere one could learn how most fully to explore the lyric melancholy embedded in so small a poco adagio. Perhaps, above all, the player will learn stylistic aptness; in the case of the Rondo Allegro of Beethoven’s Sonatina in F major he will learn, too, about the art of projection, and how to imbue playing with apt levels of drama. Do not spurn the Diabelli G major; just listen how Shehori brings it to vivid life. This particular disc also ends with Kabalevsky and his Sonatina in A minor will extend the vocabulary of the young player, introduce him to its moments of passing mordancy, and encourage some lissom freedom in its finale. Shehori cannily leads the learner in this exploratory journey.  
The third volume reprises the span chronologically from Lully to - once more - Kabalevsky. In between we have Bach, Handel, Clementi, Weber, Glinka, Bergmüller, Schumann and the like. This volume is reminiscent of the first in the series in its exploration of Airs, minuets, presto movements, dances and the increasing concentration on the widening shores of romantic associative writing. Natural buoyancy of rhythm is a real component here – try Scarlatti’s Sonata in A major. So too we find in Leopold Mozart’s pieces the chance for the learner to vest pieces with personality and presence. The national dances are similarly entertaining and engaging. If anyone can match the puckish wit of Shehori’s take on Bergmüller’s L'Arabesque in A minor they won’t be doing it soon.
Touch, pedalling, tone colours, chordal weight, articulation, these are all some of the many, many devices that Shehori will necessarily lead the learner to explore in these educational and captivating volumes.
Jonathan Woolf

Read more: http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2008/June08/shehori_108931.htm#ixzz4LfSQH9Fc

Mordecai Shehori, Piano

SCHUBERT: Impromptu No. 1 in F Minor, Opus posth. 142 (Segment)

CHOPIN: Sonata No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 58, Allegro maestoso (Segment)

CHOPIN: Sonata No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 58, Scherzo-Molto vivace (Segment)

CHOPIN: Sonata No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 58, Finale-Presto, non tanto (Segment)

PROKOFIEV: Suggestion Diabolique, Op. 4, No. 4

MORDECAI SHEHORI: Lament-In Memory of the 9/11 2001 Victims (Segment)


CD 186
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 10

FRANZ SCHUBERT: Impromptu No. 1 in F Minor, Opus posth. 142, DV 935

FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN: Sonata No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 58

SERGEI PROKOFIEV: Two Works from Romeo & Juliet, Op. 75
Dance of the Girls With Lilies
The Montagues and the Capulets

SERGEI PROKOFIEV: Suggestion Diabolique, Op. 4, No. 4

MORDECAI SHEHORI: Lament-In Memory of the 9/11 2001 Victims

CHRISTOPH WILLIBALD GLUCK: Melody from “Orpheus” (Transcription by Sgambatti / Shehori)

FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN: Mazurka in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 30, No. 4

Recordings dates and venues
Tracks 1-8: 20 May 1985, Merkin Concert Hall
Tracks 9 & 10: 2 May 2002, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center
Track 11: 2 June 2001, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center

Total playing time: 58:00

Price: $13.50



Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto in the Italian Style, in F Major, Presto (Segment)

Modest Mussorgsky:
Pictures at an Exhibition, Il Cecchio Castello (Segment)

Modest Mussorgsky:
Pictures at an Exhibition: Baba Yaga (Segment)

Ernesto Nazareth:
Odeon-Tango Brasileiro


CD 187
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 11

Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto in the Italian Style, in F Major, BWV 971

Johannes Brahms:

Three Intermezzi Op. 117

Modest Mussorgsky:

Pictures at an Exhibition

Fritz Kreisler:

Schön Rosmarin (From Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen)

Aram Khachaturian:


Ernesto Nazareth:

Odeon-Tango Brasileiro

Total playing time: 65:51

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata in A-Flat Major, Op. 110, Moderato cantabile molto espressivo (Segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata in A-Flat Major, Op. 110, Allegro molto (Segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata in A-Flat Major, Op. 110, Fuga (Segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven:Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58, Allegro moderato-Cadenza (Segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven:Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58, Rondo-Vivace (Segment)


CD 188
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Shehori Plays Beethoven, Vol. 3

The Early Years

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata in A-Flat Major, Op. 110 (1821)

Recorded live 19 May 1970, Jerusalem, Israel.
The first prize winning performance at the Beethoven Competition.

Ludwig van Beethoven: Concerto No. 4 in G Major, Op. 58 (1808)

Clayton Westermann, Conductor.
The Hunter Symphony

Recorded live 5 December 1977, New York City.

Total playing time: 53:08

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

George Frederic Handel:
Chaconne in G Major (G 229) (Segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata Op. 31, No. 2 in D Minor, “The Tempest” Allegretto, (Segment)

Frédéric Chopin:
Barcarolle in F-Sharp Major, Op. 60

Frédéric Chopin:
Polonaise in F-Sharp minor, Op. 44 (Segment)

Franz Liszt:
Legend No. 2: Saint Francis of Paola Walking on the Waves (Segment)

CD 189
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 12

George Frederic Handel:
Chaconne in G Major (G 229)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata Op. 31, No. 2 in D Minor, “The Tempest”

Frédéric Chopin:
Barcarolle in F-Sharp Major, Op. 60; Polonaise in F-Sharp minor, Op. 44

Franz Schubert- Franz Liszt:
Ständchen (Serenade)

Franz Liszt:
Legend No. 2: Saint Francis of Paola Walking on the Waves

Recorded live in concert, 2 June 1993, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall

Total playing time: 66:51

Price: $13.50


“Another in the thoughtful, excitingly virtuosic recitals that lit the New York stages in the course of 30 years.”
Gary Lemco

Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Johann Sebastian Bach: Keyboard Concerto No. 3 in D Minor, BWV 974, Presto (Segment)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Andante for the Mechanical Organ in F major, KV 616, (Segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata Op. 2, No. 2, in A Major, Allegro vivace, (Segment)

Frédéric Chopin - Franz Liszt: Six Chants Polonais (Six Polish Songs), The Maiden's Wish

Frédéric Chopin - Franz Liszt: Six Chants Polonais (Six Polish Songs), The Dead Knight of the Forrest


CD 190
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 13

Recorded live 12 June 1991, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall

Johann Sebastian Bach: Keyboard Concerto No. 3 in D Minor, BWV 974
(After Alessandro Marcello's Oboe Concerto)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Andante for the Mechanical Organ in F major, KV 616
Adagio in B minor, KV 540
Rondo in D major, KV 485

Ludwig van Beethoven: Sonata Op. 2, No. 2, in A Major

Frédéric Chopin - Franz Liszt: Six Chants Polonais (Six Polish Songs)
The Maiden's Wish
The Silver Ring
Drinking Song
My Joy
The Dead Knight of the Forrest

Total playing time: 65:03

Price: $13.50



Mordecai Shehori Plays Liszt, Vol. 3

Etude in 12 Exercises, Op. 1, No. 5 in B-Flat Major (The early version of "Feux Follets"

Transcendental Etude No. 5 in B-Flat Major, “Feux Follets” (segment)

Etude in 12 Exercises, Op. 1, No. 8 in C Minor (The early version of Wilde Jagd"

Transcendental Etude No. 8 in C Minor. “Wilde Jagd” (segment)

Transcendental Etude No. 11 in D-Flat Major,“Harmonies du Soir” (segment)

Etude in 12 Exercises, Op. 1, No 12 in B-Flat Minor (The early version of "Chasse Neig")

Transcendental Etude No. 12 in B-Flat Minor,“Chasse-Neige” (segment)


CD 191
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Shehori Plays Liszt, Vol. 3

This recording of the early (1827) and final (1852) versions of the Transcendental Etudes presents a rare side-by-side opportunity to witness Liszt’s genius, first as a young teenager with his Opus 1, and his development to artistic maturity, innovation, and power with the final version of the Transcendental Etudes. The Impromptu Brillant on Themes by Rossini and Spontini, Opus 3 (1825) is included since it pairs with Transcendental Etude No. 7 “Eroica”, and demonstrates the enormous influence that Italian opera composers had on Liszt and Chopin, among other music greats.

Etude en douze exercices,
Op. 1 (complete)
(The forerunners to 11 Transcendental Etudes (1827)

Etudes d’exécution Transcendante (1852, Complete)

Impromptu Brillant sur des Thèmes de Rossini et Spontini, Op. 3 (1825, The forerunner to Transcendental Etude No. 7, “Eroica”)

Total playing time:

Disc 1: 63:45
, Disc 2: 58:30

Price: $13.50



Six études d’après Paganini: No. 4, Vivo

Six études d’après Paganini: No. 5 "La Chasse"

Six études d’après Paganini:No. 6 (Var. 9 to end)

Trois études de concert,
Il lamento (From "duet" to end)

Trois études de concert,
Un sospiro (From cadenza to end)

Deux études de concert

CD 192
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Shehori Plays Liszt, Vol. 4

Six études d’après Paganini (1851)
1. Preludio-Andante
2. Andante-Andantino capriccioso
3. Allegretto, La campanella
4. Vivo
5. Allegretto, La Chasse
6. Quasi presto

Trois études de concert (1849)
7. Il lamento
8. La leggierezza
9. Un sospiro (With the 1885 cadenza
Liszt composed for his loving
student Lina Schmalhausen)

Deux études de concert (1863)
10. Waldesrauschen
11. Gnomenreigen

12. Ab irato (1852)

Total playing time: 69:05

Price: $13.50


Shehori Plays Thalberg

Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Tre giorni son che Nina, Op. 70, No. 2

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa: Lacrimosa dies illa, Qua resurget ex favilla, Op. 70, No. 5A

Gioachino Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia: Sérénade: Se il mio nome saper voi bramate. Op. 70, No. 13

Vincenzo Bellini: Norma, Cavatina: Casta diva, che inargenti, Queste sacre antiche piante. Op. 70, No. 19

Traditional: Fenesta vascia, Canzone Napoletana : Fenesta vascia e padrona crudele.Op. 70, No. 24



CD 194
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Shehori Plays Thalberg

L'Art du chant appliqué au piano
(The Art of Singing Applied to the Piano) Op. 70
(Complete, including all 26 Transcriptions)

1. Vincenzo Bellini: I puritani: A te, o cara, amor talora. Op. 70, No. 1

2. Giovanni Battista Pergolesi: Tre giorni son che Nina. Op. 70, No. 2

3. Ludwig van Beethoven: Adelaïde: Einsam wandelt dein Freund im Frühlingsgarten. Op. 70, No. 3

4. Allesandro Stradella: Air d'église: Pietà, Signore, di me dolente! Op. 70, No. 4

5. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa: Lacrimosa dies illa, Qua resurget ex favilla. Op. 70, No. 5A

6. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K.492: Sull’aria Che soave zeffiretto. Op. 70, No. 5B

7. Gioachino Rossini: Zelmira: Perchè mi guardi e piangi. Op. 70, No. 6

8. Saverio Mercadante: Il giuramento; Romance: Bella adorata incognita. Op. 70, No. 7

9. Giacomo Meyerbeer: Il crociato in Egitto: Coro dei Congiurati: Nel silenzio, fra l'orror. Op. 70, No. 8

10. Carl Maria von Weber: Preciosa: Einsam bin ich nicht alleine. Op. 70, No. 9

11. Franz Schubert: Der Müller und der Bach: Wo ein treues Herze in Liebe vergeht. Op. 70, No. 10

12. Carl Maria von Weber: Der Freischütz, Op. 77: Duett: Schelm, Halt fest! Ich will dich’s lehren!
Op. 70, No. 11

13. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Don Giovanni, Op. 527: Il mio tesoro intanto. Op. 70, No. 12

Disc 2

14. Gioachino Rossini: Il Barbiere di Siviglia: Sérénade: Se il mio nome saper voi bramate. Op. 70, No. 13

15. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Die Zauberflöte, K. 620: Bei Männern, welche Liebe fühlen.
Op. 70. No. 14

16. Gaetano Donizetti: Gianni di Calais: Barcarolle: Una barchetta il mar solcando va. Op. 70, No. 15

17. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Don Giovanni, K. 527: Trio de Masques: Protegga il giusto cielo il zelo del mio cor. Op. 70, No. 16A

18. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Don Giovanni, K. 527: Duetto: La ci darem la mano. Op. 70, No. 16B

19. André Grétry: L'amant jaloux: Sérénade: Tandis que tout sommeille. Op. 70, No. 17

20. Gioachino Rossini: Otello: Romance du Saule: Assisa à piè d’un salice. Op. 70, No. 18

21. Vincenzo Bellini: Norma, Cavatina: Casta diva, che inargenti, Queste sacre antiche piante. Op. 70, No. 19

22. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Le nozze de Figaro, K. 492: Voi che sapete che cosa e amor.
Op. 70, No. 20

23. Carl Maria von Weber: Euryanthe: Quatuor: Fröhliche Klänge, Tänze, Gesänge Feiern, verschönen. Op. 70, No. 21

24. Traditional: Dafydd y garrey wen (David of the White Rock): Bring me my harp, was David’s sad sigh, I would play one more tune before I die. Op. 70, No. 21

25. Joseph Haydn: Die Jahreszeiten, Hob. XXI:3, Der Winter: Ein Mädchen,das auf Ehre hielt, liebt’ einst ein Edelman.
Op. 70, No. 23

26. Traditional: Fenesta vascia, Canzone Napoletana : Fenesta vascia e padrona crudele.
Op. 70, No. 24

First Publication: 1853 – Paris: Heugel

Total playing time: CD 1- 67:07
CD 2-53:01

Price: $13.50



Shehori Plays Chopin Mazurkas

Mazurka in F minor, Op. 7, No. 3 (1831)

Mazurka in E Minor, Op. 17, No. 2 (1833)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 195
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Frédéric Chopin: 23 Mazurkas Composed from 1825 to 1833, Presented in Chronological Order

Total playing time: 53:57

Price: $13.50

  1. Mazurka in G Major, KK IIa/2 (1825)

  2. Mazurka in B-Flat Major, KK IIa/ 3 (1825)

  3. Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 68, No. 2 (1827)

  4. Mazurka in C Major, Op. 68, No. 1 (1829)

  5. Mazurka in F Major, Op. 68, No. 3 (1829)

  6. Mazurka in D Major, KK IVa/7 (1829)

  7. Mazurka in F Minor, Op. 7, No. 2a (1829)

  8. Mazurka in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 6, No. 1 (1830)

  9. Mazurka in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 6, No. 2 (1830)

  10. Mazurka in E Major, Op. 6, No. 3 (1830)

  11. Mazurka in E-Flat Minor, Op. 6, No. 4 (1830)

  12. Mazurka in B-Flat Major, Op. 7, No. 1 (1831)

  13. Mazurka in A minor, Op. 7, No. 2 (1831)

  14. Mazurka in F minor, Op. 7, No. 3 (1831)

  15. Mazurka in A-Flat Major, Op. 7, No. 4 (1831)

  16. Mazurka in C Major, Op. 7, No. 5 (1831

  17. Mazurka in D Major, KK IVb/2 (1832)

  18. Mazurka in B-Flat Major, KK IVb/1 (1832)

  19. Mazurka in B-Flat Major, Op. 17, No. 1 (1833)

  20. Mazurka in E Minor, Op. 17, No. 2 (1833)

  21. Mazurka in A-Flat Major, Op. 17, No. 3 (1833)

  22. Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 17, No. 4 (1833)

  23. Mazurka in C Major, KK IVb/3 (1833)

Shehori Plays Chopin Mazurkas

Mazurka in A-Flat Major, KK IVb/4 (1834)

Mazurka B-Flat Minor, Opus 24 No. 4 (1835)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 196

Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Frédéric Chopin: 19 Mazurkas Composed from 1834 to 1839, Presented in Chronological Order.

Total playing time: 51:09

Price: $13.50


  1. Mazurka in A-Flat Major, KK IVb/4 (1834)

  1. Mazurka in G minor, Opus 24 No. 1 (1835)

  1. Mazurka in C Major, Opus 24 No. 2 (1835)

  1. Mazurka in A-Flat Major, Opus 24 No. 3 (1835)

  1. Mazurka B-Flat Minor, Opus 24 No. 4 (1835)

  1. Mazurka in G Major, Opus 67 No. 1 (1835)

  1. Mazurka in C Major, Opus 67 No. 3 (1835)

  1. Mazurka in C Minor, Opus 30 No. 1 (1837)

9. Mazurka in B Minor, Opus 30 No. 2 (1837)

10. Mazurka in D-Flat Major, Opus 30 No. 3 (1837)

11. Mazurka in C-Sharp Minor, Opus 30 No. 4 (1837)

12. Mazurka in G-Sharp Minor, Opus 33 No. 1 (1838)

13. Mazurka in D Major, Opus 33 No. 2 (1838)

14. Mazurka in C Major, Opus 33 No. 3 (1838)

15. Mazurka in B Minor, Opus 33 No. 4 (1838)

16. Mazurka in E Minor, Opus 41 No. 1 (1838)

17. Mazurka in B Major, Opus 41 No. 2 (1839)

18. Mazurka in A-Flat Major, Opus 41 No. 3 (1839)

19. Mazurka in C-Sharp Minor, Opus 41 No. 4 (1839)


Shehori Plays Chopin Mazurkas

Mazurka in F Minor, Op. 63, No. 2 (1846)

Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 67, No. 4 (1846)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 197

Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Frédéric Chopin: 17 Mazurkas Composed from 1840 to 1849, Presented in Chronological Order

Total playing time: 60:35

Price: $13.50


1. Mazurka in A Minor, KK II/4 (1840) “Notre temps”

2. Mazurka in A Minor, KK IIb/5 (1841) “Émile Gaillard"

3. Mazurka in G Major, Op. 50, No. 1 (1842)

4. Mazurka in A-Flat Major, Op. 50, No. 2 (1842)

5. Mazurka in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 50, No. 3 (1842)

6. Mazurka in B Major, Op. 56, No. 1 (1843)

7. Mazurka in C Major, Op. 56, No. 2 (1843)

8. Mazurka in C Minor, Op. 56, No. 3 (1843)

9. Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 59, No. 1 (1845)

10. Mazurka in A-Flat Major, Op. 59, No. 2 (1845)

11. Mazurka in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 59, No. 3 (1845)

12. Mazurka in B Major, Op. 63, No. 1 (1846)

13. Mazurka in F Minor, Op. 63, No. 2 (1846)

14. Mazurka in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 63, No. 3 (1846)

15. Mazurka in A Minor, Op. 67, No. 4 (1846)

16. Mazurka in G Minor, Op. 67, No. 2 (1849)

17. Mazurka in F Minor, Op. 68, No. 4 (1849)


Shehori Plays beethoven Vol 4

Sonata in A Major Op. 101Allegretto, ma non troppo (Segment)

Allegro (Segment)

Sonata in Op. 106 in B-Flat Major, Allegro (Segment)

Adagio sostenuto (Segment)

Allegro risoluto – Fuga a tre voci, con alcune licenze (Segment)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 198

Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Mordecai Shehori Plays
Ludwig van Beethoven, Vol. 4

Sonata in A Major Op. 101
(Für das Hammerklavier) (Composed in 1816)
Dedicated to Dorothea von

  1. Allegretto, ma non troppo - Etwas lebhaft und mit der innigsten Empfindung

    (Rather animately, and with most fervent expression)

  2. Vivace alla Marcia - Lebhaft, Marcschmässig (Lively, quasi March)

  3. Adagio, ma non troppo, con affetto - Langsam und sehnsuchtvoll (Slowly and affectionately)

  4. Allegro - Geshwinde, doch nicht zu sehr, und mit Entschlossenheit (Quick, yet not too much so, and with resoluteness)

Sonata in Op. 106 in B-Flat Major (Für das Hammerklavier) (Composed in 1817-18)

Dedicated to Rudolph von Österreich

  1. Allegro

  2. Scherzo- Assai vivace

  3. Adagio sostenuto, Appassionato e con molto sentimento

  4. Largo

  5. Allegro risoluto – Fuga a tre voci, con alcune licenze

Total playing time: 75:12

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Jan Ladislav Dussek: Canzonetta in G Minor

Ludwig van Beethoven: Six Ecossaises Wo83 in E-Flat Major

Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op. 43: No. 4, Little Bird in D Minor

Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag in A-Flat Major

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 199

Learning by Example, Vol. 5
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

1. Henry Purcell: Fanfare in C Major (1658-1695)

2. Anton Diabelli: Bagatelle in G Major (1781-1858)

3. Luigi Boccherini: Minuet in A Major ( 1743-1805)

4. Leopold Mozart: Notebook for Wolfgang, Bourrée in E Minor (1719-1787)

5. Johann Nepumok Hummel: Rondo Op. 11 in E-Flat Major (1778-1837)

6. Jan Ladislav Dussek: Andante Grazioso in G Minor (1760-1812)

7. Jan Ladislav Dussek: Canzonetta in G Minor

8. Ludwig van Beethoven: Country Dance WoO 15, No. 1 in D Major (1770-1827)

9. Ludwig van Beethoven: Bagatelle Op. 126, No. 5 in G Major

10. Ludwig van Beethoven: Six Ecossaises Wo83 in E-Flat Major

11. David Popper: Gavotte in D Major ( 1843-1913)

12. Franz Schubert: Moment Musical Op. 94, No. 3 in F Minor (1797-1828)

13. Johannes Brahms: Waltz Op. 39, No. 15 in A-Flat Major (1833-1897)

14. Antonín Dvořák: Humoresque Op. 101, No. 7 in G Major (1841-1904)

15. Theodor Kullack: The Nightingale Op. 81, No. 8 in B-Flat Major (1818-1882)

16. Ernst Kullack: Witches’ Dance Op. 4, No. 2 in A Minor (1855-1914)

17. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Mazurka Op. 39, No. 10 in D Minor (1840-1893)

18. Albert Elmenreich: Spinning Song in in F Major (1816-1905)

19. Robert Schumann: Album for the Young, Op. 68: No. 5, Little Piece in C Major (1810-1856)

20. Robert Schumann: Album for the Young, Op. 68: No. 18, The Reaper’s Song in C Major

21. Robert Schumann: Album for the Young, Op. 68: No. 6, The Poor Orphan in A Minor

22. Robert Schumann: Forest Scenes, Op. 82: No. 3, Lonely Flowers in B-Flat Major

23. Robert Schumann: Forest Scenes: Op. 82: No. 5, Friendly Landscape in B-Flat Major

24. Robert Schumann: Forest Scenes: Op. 82: No. 8, The Departure in B-Flat Major

25. Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op. 43: No. 4, Little Bird in D Minor (1843-1907)

26. Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op. 38: No. 3, Melody in C Major

27. Edvard Grieg: Lyric Pieces, Op. 12: No. 3, Watchman’s Song in E Major

28. Edvard Grieg: Peer Gynt, Op. 46: No. 1, Morning Mood in E Major

29. Isaac Albéniz: Tango Op. 165, No. 2 in D Major (1860-1909)

30. Dmitri Kabalevsky: 30 Pieces for Children, Op. 27: No. 10, Clowning in F Major (1904-1987)

31. Dmitri Kabalevsky: 30 Pieces for Children, Op. 27: No. 1, Waltz Time in G Major

32. Dmitri Kabalevsky: 30 Pieces for Children, Op. 27: No. 23, Snow Storm in G Minor

33. Dmitri Kabalevsky: 30 Pieces for Children, Op. 27: No. 3, Etude in A Minor

34. Dmitri Kabalevsky: 30 Pieces for Children, Op. 27: No. 24, Etude in F Major

35. Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag in A-Flat Major (1868-1917)

Playing time: 67:44

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Sonata in D Major, Kk. 96

Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 19

Sonata in A Major, Kk. 101


A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 200

Mordecai Shehori Plays
Domenico Scarlatti
, Vol. 2

16 Keyboard Sonatas

1. Sonata in D Major, Kk. 96

2. Sonata in A Minor, Kk. 109

3. Sonata in A Major, Kk. 101

4. Sonata in D Minor, Kk. 34

5. Sonata in E Minor, Kk. 147

6. Sonata in G Major, Kk. 146

7. Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 19

8. Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 139

9. Sonata in G Minor, Kk. 347

10. Sonata in A Minor, Kk. 148

11. Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 115

12. Sonata in E Major, Kk. 135

13. Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 126

14. Sonata in G Major, Kk. 455

15. Sonata in G Minor, Kk. 30
“Cat Fugue”

16. Sonata in D Major, Kk. 430

Playing time: 71:19

Price: $13.50



Mordecai Shehori  rare Music Scores, Vol. 1

Édouard Wolff
Hommage À Chopin, Reverie-Nocturne in F-Sharp Major,
Op. 169 (segment)

Anton Rubinstein
Kamennoi-Ostrow in F-Sharp Major, Op. 10, No. 22 (segment)

Anton Rubinstein
Valse Caprice in E-Flat Major (segment)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 201
Rare Music Scores, Vol. 1
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Édouard Wolff

1. Hommage À Chopin, Reverie-Nocturne in F-Sharp Major,
Op. 169

2. Une Larme sur la tomb de Sigismond Thalberg (A Tear on the Grave of Sigismond Thalberg) in D Minor, Op. 300

František Drdla

3. Reverie d’amour in C Major
4. Souvenir in D Major

Anton Rubinstein

5. Etude in D-Flat Major “Ondine” Op. 1

6. Kamennoi-Ostrow in F-Sharp Major, Op. 10, No. 22

7. Valse Caprice in E-Flat Major

Mikhail Glinka 

8. Barcarolle in G Major

Ah, se tu fossi meco. Sulla barchetta bruna...” from a poem Il Desiderio by Felice Romani

Alexander Glazunov

9. Etude in C Major, Op. 31, No. 1. “Un vent doux”

10. Etude in E Minor, Op. 31,
No. 2, “Le Soupir”

11. Etude in E Major, Op. 31,
No. 3, “La Nuit”

Playing time: 64:40

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Sonata in C Major, Kk. 132

Sonata in A Minor, Kk. 61

Sonata in E Major, Kk. 20

Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 466

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 202

Mordecai Shehori Plays
Domenico Scarlatti
, Vol. 3

17 Keyboard Sonatas

1. Sonata in D Minor, Kk. 77

2. Sonata in G Major, Kk. 14

3. Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 466

4. Sonata in G Major, Kk. 104

5. Sonata in D Minor, Kk. 510

6. Sonata in C Major, Kk. 485

7. Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 362

8. Sonata in G Major, Kk. 55

9. Sonata in A Minor, Kk. 61

10. Sonata in D Minor, Kk. 1

11. Sonata in C Major, Kk. 132

12. Sonata in D Minor, kk. 141

13. Sonata in F Major, Kk. 367

14. Sonata in A Minor, Kk. 110

15. Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 519

16. Sonata in E Major, Kk. 20

17. Sonata in C Major, Kk 423

Playing time: 71:16

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: Valse in C-Sharp Major, Op. 15, No. 1

Shura Cherkassky: Prelude Pathetique in F-Sharp Minor (Segment)

Josef Hofmann: Kaleidoscope in D Major, Op. 40, No. 4, (Segment)

Anton Rubinstein: Akrostychon in A-Flat Major, Op. 114, No. 3, (Segment)


A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 203
Rare Music Scores, Vol. 2
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

1. Prelude-Impromptu in A-Flat Major, Op. 38, No. 1

2. Mazurka in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 38, No. 2

3. Valse in C-Sharp Major, Op. 15, No. 1

Henryk Wieniawski

4. Kuyawiak-2nd Mazurka in A Minor (Transcription by Josef Wieniawski)

5. Obertas-Mazurka in G Major (Transcription by C. H Weber and M. Shehori)

Mischa Levitzki

6. Valse in A Major, Op. 2

7. The Enchanted Nymph in E Major

8. Valse - Tzigane in E Minor, Op. 7

Josef Hofmann

9. Polonaise Americaine in C Major

10. Nocturne-Complaint in F-Sharp Minor

11. Kaleidoscope in D Major, Op. 40, No. 4

Shura Cherkassky

12. Prelude Pathetique in F-Sharp Minor

Anton Rubinstein

13. Akrostychon in C Minor, Op. 114, No. 4

14. Akrostychon in A-Flat Major, Op. 114, No. 3

15. Etude in C Major, Op. 23, No. 2 (Staccato Etude)

Playing time: 71:53

Price: $13.50


Sonata in G Minor, Kk. 373

Sonata in A Minor, Kk. 3

Sonata in G Minor, Kk. 450

Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 462

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 204
Shehori Plays Scarlatti, Vol. 4
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

20 Keyboard Sonatas

1. Sonata in E Minor, Kk. 81

2. Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 69

3. Sonata in D Minor, Kk. 434

4. Sonata in E-Flat Major, Kk. 193

5. Sonata in D Minor, Kk. 138

6. Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 363

7. Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 99

8. Sonata in G Minor, Kk. 111

9. Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 364

10. Sonata in B-Flat Major, Kk. 411

11. Sonata in C Major, Kk. 513

12. Sonata in G Minor, Kk. 450

13. Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 462

14. Sonata in F Major, Kk. 17

15. Sonata in G Minor, Kk. 373

16. Sonata in E Major, Kk. 380

17. Sonata in D Minor, Kk. 9

18. Sonata in F Minor, Kk. 185

19. Sonata in C Minor, Kk. 11

20. Sonata in A Minor, Kk. 3

Playing time: 77:38

Price: $13.50


Mordecai Shehori Plays Chopin

Prelude in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 28, No. 8

Prelude in F-Sharp Major, Op. 28, No. 13

Prelude in E-Flat Minor, Op. 28, No. 14

Prelude in B-Flat Minor, Op. 28, No. 16

Prelude in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 45

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 205
Shehori Plays Chopin, Vol. 7
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Complete Preludes & Fugues.

24 Preludes Op. 28
Prelude in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 45
Prelude in A-Flat Major, B.86
Fugue in A Minor, B.144

World Premiere Recording:
Luigi Cherubini: Three Choral Fugues Transcribed for Piano by Frédéric Chopin (Cherubini's Fugues are from the Cours de Contrepoint et de Fugue
composed and Published:1832-35. Chopin's transcriptions Composed 1841- Published 2017)

Total playing time: 76:19

Price: $13.50



Sonata No. 18 in E-Flat Major.
Op. 31, No. 3, Presto con fuoco (Segment)

Sonata No. 24 in F-Sharp Major, Op. 78, Adagio cantabile - Allegro ma non troppo (Segment)

Sonata No. 25 in G Major,
Op. 79, Presto ala tedesca (Segment)

Sonata No. 27 in E Minor,
Op. 90, With animation, and always with feeling and expression (Segment)


A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 206
Shehori Plays Beethoven, Vol. 5
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Six Piano Sonatas Presented in Chronological Order of Composition Dates.

Sonata No. 20 in G Major,
Op. 49, No. 2

Sonata No. 19 in G Minor,
Op. 49, No. 1 (1795-8)

Sonata No. 18 in E-Flat Major.
Op. 31, No. 3 (1801-2)

Sonata No. 24 in F-Sharp Major, Op. 78 (1809)

Sonata No. 25 in G Major,
Op. 79 (1809-10)

Sonata No. 27 in E Minor,
Op. 90 (1814)

Total playing time: 77:15

Price: $13.50


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Rondo in D Major, KV 485, (segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata in F Minor, Op. 57, “Appassionata” Allegro assai (Segment)

Franz Liszt
The “Gretchen” movement from Faust Symphony (Piano transcription by Franz Liszt) (Segment)

Franz Liszt
Réminiscences de Don Juan (After Mozart's Opera Don Giovanni) (Segment)


A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 207

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 14
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

(Recorded live at Alice Tully Hall, New York. Tracks 1-5 & 7, 2 June, 2001, Track 6, 2 May, 2002)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
Rondo in A Minor, KV 511
Rondo in D Major, KV 485

Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata in F Minor, Op. 57, “Appassionata”

Franz Liszt
The “Gretchen” movement from Faust Symphony (Piano transcription by Franz Liszt)

Franz Liszt
Réminiscences de Don Juan (After Mozart's Opera Don Giovanni)

Total playing time: 72:53

Price: $16.00


 Gabriel Fauré
Après un rêve
(Piano transcription by
Mordecai Shehori)

Moritz Rosenthal
Etude after Frédéric Chopin's Waltz in D-Flat Major, Op. 64, No.1 “Minute Waltz”  (Segment) 

Mischa Levitzki
Arabesque valsante in A Minor, Op. 6

Moritz Moszkowski
Étincelles in B-Flat Major, Op. 36, No. 6

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 208

Mordecai Shehori Plays Encores, Vol. 1

1. Romance in E Major
(Piano transcription by Mordecai Shehori)

Grigoras Dinicu
2. Hora Staccato
(Piano transcription by Jascha Heifetz)

Gabriel Fauré
3. Après un rêve
(Piano transcription by Mordecai Shehori)

Charles Gounod
4. Meditation (after Johann Sebastian Bach's Prelude No. 1 in C Major)

Moritz Rosenthal
5. Etude after Frédéric Chopin's Waltz in D-Flat Major, Op. 64, No.1 “Minute Waltz”  

Alexander Scriabin
6. Etude in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 2, No. 1

Paul de Schlözer
7. Etude in A-Flat Major, Op. 1, No. 2

Mischa Levitzki
8. Arabesque valsante in A Minor, Op. 6

Leopold Godowsky
9. Alt Wien in G-Flat Major

Carl Tausig
10. Spanish Romance - Der Contrabandista, (The Smuggler) After Robert Schumann

Leopold Godowsky
11. The Swan (After Camille Saint-Saëns)

Christian Sinding
12. Rustle of Spring in D-Flat Major,
Op. 32, No. 3

Enrique Granados
13. The Maiden and the Nightingale
(From Goyescas, No. 4)

Anton Rubinstein
14. Melody in F, Op. 3, No.1

Johannes Brahms
15. Hungarian Dance No. 2 in D Minor, Op. Wo01

Moritz Moszkowski
16 Étincelles in B-Flat Major, Op. 36, No. 6

17 Etude in A-Flat Major, Op. 72, No.11
(From 15 Études de virtuosité)

Aram Khachaturian
18. Dance No. 1 in A Minor from “Masquerade”

Total playing time: 69:34

Price: $16.00


Mordecai Shehori Plays Beethoven, Vol. 6

Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, No. 1 in E-Flat Major, Adagio con espressione (Segment)

Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, No. 1 in E-Flat Major,
Allegro vivace. (Segment)

Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, No. 2 in C-Sharp Minor, “Moonlight” Adagio sostenuto (Segment)

Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, No. 2 in C-Sharp Minor, “Moonlight” Presto agitato (Segment)

Grand Sonata Op. 28 in D Major, “Pastoral” Allegro (Segment)

Grand Sonata Op. 28 in D Major, “Pastoral” Rondo(Segment)


A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 209

Mordecai Shehori Plays Beethoven, Vol. 6

Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, No. 1 in E-Flat Major

1. Andante
2. Allegro molto
3. Adagio con espressione
4. Allegro vivace

Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Op. 27, No. 2 in C-Sharp Minor, “Moonlight”

5. Adagio sostenuto
6. Allegretto
7. Presto agitato

Grand Sonata Op. 28 in D Major, “Pastoral”

8. Allegro
9. Andante
10. Scherzo-Allegro vivace
11. Rondo-Allegro ma non troppo

Total playing time: 57:36

Price: $16.00




Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Ferruccio Busoni
Chaconne in D Minor (Segment)

Ludwig van Beethoven:
Sonata Op. 13 in C Minor,
“Sonata Pathétique”
Rondo-Allegro (Segment)

Frédéric Chopin
Andante Spianato & Grande Polonaise Brillante,
Op. 22 in E-Flat Major

Sergei Prokofiev
Sonata No. 7, Op. 83
in B-Flat Major
, Precipitato

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 210

The Celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 15
Mordecai Shehori, piano

Recorded live, 2 May, 2002, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center.

Ferruccio Busoni
Chaconne in D Minor
(After Johann Sebastian Bach's Violin Partita No. 2, BWV 1004)

Ludwig van Beethoven:
Sonata Op. 13 in C Minor,
“Sonata Pathétique”

Frédéric Chopin
Andante Spianato & Grande Polonaise Brillante,
Op. 22 in E-Flat Major

Sergei Prokofiev
Sonata No. 7, Op. 83
in B-Flat Major

Total playing time: 67:09

Price: $16.00



Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Grand Sonata Op. 22,
in B-Flat Major
Allegro con brio (Segment)

Grand Sonata Op. 26,
in A-Flat Major
Andante con variazioni (Segment)

Grand Sonata Op. 26,
in A-Flat Major
, Marcia funebre-Sulla morte d'un Eroe (segment)

Sonata Op. 31 No. 1 in G Major,
Adagio grazioso (Segment)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 211
Beethoven, Vol. 7
Mordecai Shehori, piano

Grand Sonata Op. 22,
in B-Flat Major

1. Allegro con brio
2. Adagio con molta espressione
3. Minuetto
4. Rondo-Allegretto

Grand Sonata Op. 26,
in A-Flat Major, "Funeral March"

5. Andante con variazioni
6. Scherzo-Allegro molto
7. Marcia funebre-Sulla morte
d'un Eroe
8. Allegro

Sonata Op. 31 No. 1 in G Major

9. Allegro vivace
10. Adagio grazioso
11. Allegretto

Total playing time: 77:33

Price: $16.00


Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Sonata Op. 10, No. 1 in C Minor, Adagio molto (Segment)

Sonata Op. 10, No 2 in F Major, Allegro (Segment)

Sonata Op. 10, No. 3 in
D Major, Presto (Segment)

Sonata Op. 14, No. 1 in
E Major, Allegro (Segment)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 212
Beethoven, Vol. 8
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Sonata Op. 10, No. 1 in C Minor (1796-98)

1. Allegro molto e con brio
2. Adagio molto
3. Prestissimo

Sonata Op. 10, No 2 in F Major (1796-98)

4. Allegro
5. Allegretto
6. Presto

Sonata Op. 10, No. 3 in D Major (1796-99)

7. Presto
8. Largo e mesto
9. Menuetto-Allegro
10. Rondo-Allegro

Sonata Op. 14, No. 1 in E Major (1798-99)

11. Allegro
12. Allegretto
13. Rondo-Allegro comodo

Total playing time: 73:41

Price: $16.00


Mordecai Shehori

Sonata Wo51 in C Major: Allegro (Segment)

Sonata Op 2, No. 1 in F Minor: Adagio (Segment)

Grand Sonata Op. 7 in E-Flat Major: Allegro molto e con brio (Segment)

Sonata Op. 14, No. 2 in G Major: Allegro (Segment)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 213
Beethoven, Vol. 9
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Sonata Wo51 in C Major (1790-91)

Sonata Op 2, No. 1 in F Minor (1795)

Grand Sonata Op. 7 in E-Flat Major (1796-97)

Sonata Op. 14, No. 2 in G Major (1798-99)

Total playing time: 71:47

Price: $16.00




Mordecai Shehori

Rondo in C Major, WoO48(Segment)

Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major- Andante (segment)

Sonata No. 2 in F Minor, WoO47, Larghetto maestoso- Allegro assai (Segment)

Sonata No. 3 in D Major, WoO47, Scherzando (segment)

Concerto in E-Flat Major, WoO4 Rondo-Allegro ma non troppo (Segement)



New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 214
Beethoven, Vol. 10
The Young Beethoven, Presenting
Works Composed at Ages 13 & 14 (1783-4)

Rondo in C Major, WoO48 (1783)

Rondo in A Major, WoO49 (1783)

Sonata No. 1 in E-Flat Major, WoO47

Sonata No. 2 in F Minor, WoO47 (1783)

Sonata No. 3 in D Major, WoO47 (1783)

*Concerto in E-Flat Major, WoO4 (1784)

(*World Premier Recording of the Authentic Piano Solo Version)

Total playing time: 77:36

Price: $16.00

Mordecai Shehori Piano

Ferruccio Busoni: Organ Toccata in C Major, Fuga (Segment)

Johannes Brahms:
4. Intermezzo in A Major,
Op. 118 No. 2(Segment)

Frédéric Chopin:
6. Scherzo No. 4 in E Major, Op. 54. (Alice Tully Hall, 6/4/2003)

Franz Liszt:
8. Faust Waltz (After the opera “Faust” by Charles Gounod)
S.407 ( Alice Tully Hall, 6/4/2003)

A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 215
The celebrated New York Concerts, Vol. 16
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

Ferruccio Busoni: Organ Toccata in C Major
(After Johann Sebastian Bach) BWV 564
(Alice Tully Hall, 6/4/2003)

1. Preludio, quasi improvvisando
2. Intermezzo, adagio, il soprano con intimo accento e sempre cantando
3. Fuga, moderatamente scherzando, un poco umoristico

Johannes Brahms:
4. Intermezzo in A Major,
Op. 118 No. 2
5. Ballade in G Minor,
Op. 118 No. 3
(Merkin Concert Hall, 5/20/1985)

Frédéric Chopin:
6. Scherzo No. 4 in E Major,
Op. 54
(Alice Tully Hall, 6/4/2003)

Franz Liszt:
7. Les jeux d'eaux à la Villa d'Este, S.163/4
(Alice Tully Hall, 5/25/2004)

Franz Liszt:
8. Faust Waltz (After the opera “Faust” by Charles Gounod)
(Alice Tully Hall, 6/4/2003)

9. Zez Confrey:
Kitten on the Keys
(Alice Tully Hall, 5/25/2004)

Total playing time: 61:55
Price: $16.00


Shehori Plays Chopin Vol 8

Nocturne in F-Sharp Major,
Op. 15 No. 2 (Segment)

Nocturne in G Minor,
Op 15 No. 3 “Ophelia's Death” (Segment)

Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 1 (Segment)

Nocturne in A-Flat Major,
Op. 32 No. 2


A New Release!
Cembal d'amour, CD 216
Shehori Plays Chopin, Vol. 8
The Complete Nocturnes, Part 1
Mordecai Shehori, Piano

13 Nocturnes composed between the years 1827
and 1837 Presented in Chronological order Dates of Composition.

1. Nocturne in E Minor, Op. Posth. 72 No. 1 (1827)

2. Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor,
Op. Posth. B.49 (1830/31)

3. Nocturne in B-Flat Minor,
Op. 9 No. 1 (1830/31)

4. Nocturne in E-Flat Major,
Op. 9 No. 2 (1830/31)

5. Nocturne in B Major,
Op. 9 No. 3 (1830/31)

6. Nocturne in F Major,
Op. 15 No. 1 (1830/31)

7. Nocturne in F-Sharp Major,
Op. 15 No. 2 (1830/31)

8. Nocturne in G Minor,
Op 15 No. 3 “Ophelia's Death” (1835)

9. Nocturne in C Minor,
Op. Posth. B.108 (1835)

10. Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor, Op. 27 No. 1 (1835)

11. Nocturne in D-Flat Major,
Op 27 No. 2 (1835)

12. Nocturne in B Major,
Op. 32 No. 1 (1836/37)

13. Nocturne in A-Flat Major,
Op. 32 No. 2 (1836/37)

Total Playing time: 72:05


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